Mr.Edwin Raja`s head injury Success Case Study

My BNI success story

In an evening,
 I was about to leave from the hospital for my personal work, my fellow BNI champions chapter member Steel craft- Sureshbabu called me over mobile, with husky voice explained about an emergency case and asked for further advice. Patient - 24-year-old young man Mr.Edwin raja, met with an accident and sustained head injury, he was admitted and was on treatment at the government hospital,  however, he became unconscious, developed fever, breathlessness and deteriorating.

The patient was one of his worker`s close relative`s son and started earning for his family.

I was in dilemma to take this case (for few moments) but said to shift the case to help him. 
Within 30 minutes patient reached my hospital by Ambulance in a moribund state. 
I explained all the risks to the attenders and conveyed the same to my friend also, simultaneously started treatment at the ICU of my Arokya hospital.

The patient was responding well to the treatment and improved, on the 21st day, a patient walked home with minimal weakness in Right arm. All the family members and many relatives who visited in between were surprised to see his recovery. All were very happy on the day of discharge.

The patient was coming from Thirukattuppalli town (Thanjavur) without going to any other hospitals (100+ hospitals), just because my BNI partner referred, he trusted me and the patient (side) trusted him. 

After this case, people started coming from their place even for small illness to me.

it was the right case to prove myself (life-saving critical care physician).

Above all, He saved one life (through me), He saved one family (as he is a sole bread and butter for his family).

Thanks to Mr.Sureshbabu (He) 

Thanks to BNI ????

Dr.N.Periyasamy Sakya, MD
Critical care physician and Anesthesiologist, Trichy.


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